From a series of artist’s books on the theme “lost”. In popular tourist locations in northern Greece, fragments of carved marble litter the ground near ancient buildings. Archaeologists cannot hope to identify the age, original purpose and location of every fragment. These are truly “lost” marbles. Of course, “lost marbles” has another colloquial (and arguably politically incorrect) meaning.  Do these stones no longer know what they have done in the past?
Digital print on Somerset Book 175gsm paper

From a series of artist’s books on the theme “lost”. In popular tourist locations in northern Greece, fragments of carved marble litter the ground near ancient buildings. Archaeologists cannot hope to identify the age, original purpose and location of every fragment. These are truly “lost” marbles. Of course, “lost marbles” has another colloquial (and arguably politically incorrect) meaning. Do these stones no longer know what they have done in the past?
Digital print on Somerset Book 175gsm paper

Latest comments

28.09 | 17:52

Yes, the 2022 edition is on the What’s New page.

09.09 | 19:10

Are you doing a 2022 version?

10.12 | 09:26

Apologies for looking a bit vague yesterday at Ardvaak. It was good to see you again. We always seem to be away when you are exhibiting these days.I must look more closely at your web page to see wher

11.11 | 17:13

Lost Days 2019- see "What's New" page